This is the final article of this series. The goal was to describe complex Physics to a general audience. Such a knowledge may help to generate interest, and spark innovation in Physics simulation in graphical processing units, high speed communication, quantum computing, or energy.

Our description uses a simple energy-based approach. Energy is additive, so elementary school Math is enough to understand it.

We described energy as an additive value that is shared across independent systems. Two systems are independent if and only if the Law of Energy applies to them. The proof was given, and it is almost trivial. Law Of Energy was described as equivalent to the Laws Of Pythagoras, and Fermat.

Then we described time a bit differently, but with the same conclusion as Einstein. Energy in our visible space ma² adds up to energy in invisible spaces mb² of the same material object at a location resulting in an overall energy mc² of that location proportional to its mass. Invisible spaces include time described as our aging pictures placed next to each other on a desk showing a kinetic movement in time and visible changes in our space.

Time is probably the biggest energy in the invisible systems with other notable ones such as magnetism or gravity. Why? We have the least impact on time with all the energies available to us.

What keeps our space together is that any energy in it is a noise that is small compared to the energy in time. Our space is made up of visible and invisible energy systems that are fluctuating with it. Visible and related invisible energy systems are negligible compared to the total energy of that location in time. This makes our space drift together in time. This noise makes it like a thin three-dimensional coin drifting in it. Such noise is sometimes hard to measure. This was described by Schrödinger and Heisenberg.

We described material as standing waves that capture fluctuations of various energy types. They can be imagined as a pulled string of a guitar. Material has certain energy levels described by models of Bohr and Rutherford.

We described waves that are a result of excess or deficiency of energy of what would be expected by a standing wave of a material particle. Should you throw up an apple, it will fall back lacking enough energy. Should you throw it with an orbiting energy and the right angle, it will start orbiting on an elliptic path. This was described by Newton and Kepler. Invisible magnetic fields of iron cores can be explained in a similar way.

Should you invest the escape energy, and it leaves a system. Such behavior is explained by waves. Waves require tiny little particles that either fluctuate, contract, release, or gather and diffuse. These make the extra energy at a location radiate to the surrounding systems. Such spring like movement spreads to the area nearby. It is called radiation. Should an object collect an escape energy of mc² at a location, it may disappear from our space in the current time stamp.

Some particles can absorb that fluctuating energy spreading across a system. Look at the Black Moon at night and see the gap in starlight. It is like the gap at the wavelength of gravity. The difference drifts the Moon towards the Earth like a boat runs ashore, if it is not anchored. The diagonal speed of the Moon is the energy that keeps it orbiting like an anchor. This was described by Einstein, Kepler, and Newton.

All in all, if you look at the energy at a certain point, you will find some energy that you can explain, ma². You can also see some noise that is part of the invisible system mb². It is the fluctuation with the invisible systems. Schrödinger and Heisenberg described that such noise has eventually an energy too low. It cannot be measured using energy of systems that are stronger. In any case the sum of visible energy and the energy of invisible systems of time, gravity, magnetism, etc. add up to mc². You research the noise of a system until you understand it up to a level, when you do not have tools precise enough to measure it properly. The sum of that remaining unknown energy is usually described by the background radiation. It is also the same Math as the variance of noise of financial instruments, applied to Physics.

We also described polar systems where radiation at different frequencies equalize making wonderful constructs of atoms made up of long wavelength protons and neutrons and short wavelength electrons.


Source: WikiMedia Commons.

Our last article will talk about some practical use cases of such advanced Physics.

All these models are proven Math, and we intentionally kept it simple to describe them to a general audience of students, voters, or financial professionals to spark interest and support funding. Obviously, quantum Physics deals with more detailed particles, quarks and complex description of the spectrum. However, such description would be too complicated for a general audience.

How do we build an antigravity helmet? Guess what, it already exists. Imagine an orbiting SpaceX satellite. It has the orbiting energy to circle around the Earth. The energy is as much, so that gravity can just redirect it. The diagonal kinetic energy keeps it at the same altitude. Capture another orbiting path that is at the same altitude, and same point at an angle. Drive the satellite in a diagonal direction, so that it keeps circling at the same altitude as a glory above the Earth. This is like the rotation of the rotor of the helicopter. It is faster, since it does not require vertical forces pushing air. The tiny drops of water probably have similar behavior in clouds that keep it up in the air until the particles are big enough to start dropping as rain. The Coriolis force is the biggest one of such a system powering the rotation of hurricanes, albeit different as it is caused by pure gravity and the rotation of the planet.

How do we build a teleport? Guess what, it already exists. Broadcast radio was the hit of the early Twentieth century described by Fermi. As polar potential disappears from an antenna a diagonal magnetic field is built. This is in an invisible space. When it comes back to us, it will be a bit further away generating potential elsewhere. What is this, if not a teleport disappearing and appearing at a different location? The orbiting energy of SpaceX rockets can describe a similar behavior that can be applied to the fixed magnetic field of Rare Earth Metals. If somebody could affect the angle, then energy invested may return elsewhere just like a ballistic missile does. Is there an invisible space that has different carrier material or ether that drives waves faster than light in our visible space?

Refraction is one of the most interesting phenomena of Physics. It allows us to split radiation by prisms of material that drives waves slower than light. Snell’s Law describes the angle of each wavelength at such a meeting point of two surfaces. A sudden reach of shallow water describes refraction, especially if it hits the line directly. Some waves are reflected, some are conducted further at different speed.

The kinetic energy of time also known as mc² can be described as a deep ocean as a result. Glass, a material that conducts light slower is a shallow reef. Whether there is a deeper ocean, if an antenna emits radiation in an angle, and how that angle can be set? These will be the questions of next generations.

The weaker the energy the more likely it is a result of a complex reaction especially, if the wavelengths are disproportionate to the sizes of the particles and the objects. Such reactions may be used as a result to set the quantum phase and frequency of particles for future 1K x GHz and 1M x GHz processors.

You go to the edge of the circle while engaging deeply in any theory. This is a PhD. It is lonely as always, and you walk back in the trail to find a friendly face, who you can discuss it with and agrees. This is an MSc. You go back further towards the middle of the circle, and you find enough people to build and sell it. They are the BSc, and ASc.

The End.









The article was revised on October 1, 2023.
