
Copyright© Miklos Szegedi, 2023.

My third article in the series is about material.

Why am I writing this? My company focuses on low risk tech solutions, especially low latency systems. Lower latencies help to solve architectural problems and reduce development costs.

Explaining the basics of such systems may help to spark leadership, financing and research of low latency systems. Doing this for free and as early as possible may help to get some actionable results back from society within my lifetime.

Just as a reminder, I talked about the equivalence of the Law Of Energy and The Laws of Pythagoras and Fermat in the first article. Independent systems have additive quadratic energy. The second article talked about the additive energy of the visible space we have and the invisible system of gravity, magnetism, kinetic time, etc. The invisible system can be tapped to speed in the visible space, slowing time, etc.

So what is material? We define material as a standing wave in our mathematical model. Pull the string of a guitar, and you get a standing wave. Real world atoms consist of such standing waves of positive nuclei and negative electrons.

How do standing waves build? Throw up an apple on the ground, and it will fall back. It does not have enough energy. Throw up an apple with an orbiting energy big enough, and it will choose an ellipse around the Earth trapping that energy building such a standing wave. Electrons and nuclei are a similar pattern.

Scientists like Bohr and Rutherford described such patterns long time ago. Throw up an apple with the escape energy and no standing wave will build but the system dissolves in space.

Material is a standing wave using a group of forces like electrical charge, nuclear forces, magnetism, even gravity. We know that some materials like iron or Rare Earth Metals create stronger magnetic fields on a spinning field of electrons in a Tesla engine. Such magnetic space is outside our visible space, it is part of the invisible time system.

Imagine again your momentum in time putting pictures of different ages together. You can imagine such phenomena as the stronger magnetism of iron as building a cup in the time system of the atom. Rare Earth metals create a cup in the time space that has a similar energy trapping feature of orbiting. It builds invisibly, but it does not escape from the visible atom. Such phenomena may explain the speeds available in invisible systems.

This is just a Mathematical model that may be useful for a space game simulator. Invisible time system energy is the sum of the energies of our momentum in time, magnetism, gravity, etc. We refer to them together, as they likely impact each other resonating together like capacitors, resistors, and inductors in a WiFi radio.

Let’s get back to Psychology. Why do I call them visible space and invisible systems? Our social media marketing driven society changed the term multiple dimensions to reflect mental illness. I wanted to make sure that the reader associates more with something like a machine. The explanation is designed for a general audience, not Physicists. Furthermore, the components of such an invisible time system are not really dimensions anymore, since they are driven by different forces.

