The Law Of Energy And Independence Part V

My first article in this series described the Law of Energy as a direct equivalent to the Laws of Pythagoras and Fermat. The two systems that we live in were described in my second article naming our visible space with all the moving parts (ma²) and all the energy in the invisible systems like magnetism, gravity, time (mb²), etc. If we speed up in one then we need to tap into the other making the sum of them constant (mc²). The third article defined material as standing waves like a guitar spring between subsystems of these two systems. The fourth article described radiating waves as fluctuation of material that holds its energy in the material quantum of each particle participating in the radiation. A notable example is light.

Which one is the biggest piece of energy that we have? It is probably our kinetic energy in time. Put some pictures of yourself next to each other in different ages, and you observe your movement in time. We do not have much impact on this, so this is likely our largest energy asset.


Copyright© Miklos Szegedi, 2023.

Visible material holds together, meaning that they have the same momentum in time. We know that our visible space expands a bit sideways. We also know that sometimes we see stars and galaxies appear and disappear, and we also see that sometimes a pair of positive and negative charged particles may appear out of nowhere.

The fluctuation of material as a standing wave is partly in the visible space partly in the invisible system. More energy creates bigger fluctuations that can be imagined as a cup in the energy map of time.

Material particles have to have a finite energy as a result. Should you invest energy too small they will radiate it out sideways making colors. Should you invest enough energy a standing wave builds like a moon capturing its orbit. Should you invest energy large enough it will impact the kinetic energy in time. It slows down or speeds up and disappears from our space just like the Voyager-1 from the solar system.

This thin layer of resonating material makes up our space as a result. Please allow me to apologize, but I have to admit. Our visible world is flat, if you watch it from a fifth dimension.

Again, this is just a mathematical model. It is not physics, but it may be a good way to describe a model for games or realistic simulation, still a simple theory for NVidia or AMD GPUs.






