These articles are about speculative mathematics that can help to use simple logic circuits to simulate real world processes in GPUs. It will hopefully spark the interest in the research of low latency networking. Advanced Physics is not just about energy and bombs but optics as well.

The first article described energy as constant. The Law Of Energy is equivalent to the Laws Of Pythagoras and Fermat.

The second article described how our pictures in different ages placed next to each other describe the drifting in time from an external point of view. Such an energy can be added to other invisible energies of magnetism, gravity, etc. making an invisible ma². The visible kinetic energy we have in our space is mb². Adding the two together must be constant as mc² for any piece of material based on Einstein's theory.

The third article described material as standing waves like pulled strings of a guitar that stay in a certain location. Some can be quite complex described by Bohr and Rutherford long time ago. The fourth article described waves as radiating fluctuations of material particles that are lossless in energy themselves as they spread.

The fifth article described our visible space as one having a large ma² mean energy and low mb² as variance of fluctuations, so that our space stays together drifting in time as a thin flat object. The thinness is defined by the energy of gravity, magnetism, etc. that holds objects together. Some of this radiation is so small that measuring it with tools availabe would change them by Shroedinger and Heisenberg.

The sixth article described how material objects in our space remain relatively intact by having particles and objects with the same energy mc² plus-minus some noise forming things that we see and measure. The variance energy of this noise is analogous to the energy of molecules, temperature, colors, solid, fluids, gas, conduction, and lightning, etc.


Copyright© Miklos Szegedi, 2023.

Now, imagine a material object built with lots of particles. Each of them has about the same energy. The sum of the energy in the assembly is a bit lower than the sum of energy of such particles, if they were separated far apart in space.

This energy discount keeps systems together. You need to invest energy into the system to tear them apart. This makes them stable for a long time. There is some small radiation in the form of waves of different wavelengths over a long time that leave and that are absorbed by distant particles.

The net difference of the radiation defines the system. You can imagine it as the spectrum of colors of a golden bar that are reflected from white light of the sun.

Some objects are net positive gaining mass over time by absorbing more waves than what they reflect. They are a hole in the system. This creates a flow of waves inwards.

When this wave reaches another hole, the nature of the other object defines the behavior. Another hole object will have a larger surface on the outside than the inside of the same angle of the wave. Moreover, it has an eigenfrequency that traps some energy of the wave. You can imagine the effect of these two as a drifting fishing boat that is pushed more by the waves from the open ocean than the waves reflected from the cliffs, so it is eventually stranded on the shore.

This reaction applies to planets and stars made up of material. Imagine a hole of stars masked by the moon at night. The waves from the stars will push it into our planet or keep it orbiting. This is called gravity.

Systems that are collapsing radiate more than what they absorb. Think about dwarf stars, or bright planets of hot magma. Some of their energy disappears in an expanding universe as a result.

When the net radiation spreads energy over time, it forms a field like a gravitational field around a planet, or a magnetic field around an iron stick.

Systems with net positive radiation outwards, will push systems with the same characteristics. Think about groups of protons. They will explode or expand based on the distance to each other. The energy they face falls as the distance grows due to the diminishing angle of their diagonal size. Groups of electrons too close in clouds will cause lightning.

Now some particles keep absorbing or radiating at the same wavelength. These features will create positively, and negatively charged objects that can push or pull each other stronger than the neutral ones.

Systems with net positive and net negative radiation can pull each other, if one is bigger, absorbing on the eigenfrequency of the other smaller one as an accord. Protons can absorb waves of electrons on the accords of their own size changing their path towards them. This makes them “polar”.

A proton absorbing all radiation from an electron to come close leaving enough energy to spin makes a system called the hydrogen atom.

This assumes that the proton reflects back the waves on an even higher accord absorbed by the electron keeping the system stable.

This model suggests that the additional neutron of a Deuterium atom has its electron shot out with the same orbiting energy to an invisible system fluctuating neutrally in our visible space. The mass of the neutron reacting with the proton and electron keeps them together as Deuterium.

Tritium with two neutrons and one proton is still a stable material. It is the least stable form of hydrogen being not far from Deuterium but an additional neutron in this mathematical model.

These are simplified models using only wave and energy based descriptions. These models can be simulated cheaper in silicon than the more complicated quark particle based approach.








