
Copyright© Miklos Szegedi, 2023.

The previous article was about the basics of the Law Of Energy. It proves that energy is additive across systems. Energy is the quadratic function of speed.

Again, my model is mere Mathematics. It has an explanation of Physics, but it is closer to a game simulation than the real world.

The next step to understand my system logic is to imagine someone’s life path. Pick some old pictures and order them by age when they were taken. Look at the montage and realize what you see is their time system.

Shift your last picture a bit up. Maybe you moved somewhere. This is the space system. You watch this from outside. What you see is the two-dimensional energy composition of the space which is visible and everything else including time velocity, which is not.

Now, the way most people think is that there are two systems, the one that we see and the others that we do not. We also learned from the last article that the energy in these systems add up. You can just sum the dark energies up and refer to them as the invisible time system, even though they consist of various systems like time, the magnetism, gravity, etc. The energy of all these together with the kinetic energy in the visible system is mc².

Now, as time goes, you slowly move to the right in the invisible time system by your own momentum. You can use forces from the energy of gasoline to move in the visible space dimension.

Your energy is the sum of the energies in your visible space, and invisible time systems. However, there are more. There is radiation, like the cosmic background radiation that we measure, but we cannot fully explain and predict in the visible space system. There is gravity that we can somewhat explain and tap into, but we cannot really generate. All these add up into the invisible time system as a vectored sum based on the Law Of Energy.

As objects get faster in space they may consume the energy of their invisible time system. The sum is constant. You slow down in time as a result. When your speed approaches mc² in the visible space, you almost entirely slowed down in the invisible space. This is a simple explanation of what the Theory of Relativity says. Almost your entire energy is in visible space eventually, and not in the invisible time system. e=mc2.

