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A ran a survey about a bit more than a month ago. It is not very representative. I only have 130 responses. However, I was thinking about starting a business and I was interested in how the market looks.

Here are my findings. About 30% of the respondents claimed to be unemployed. This is a very high number and it matches the official statistics. The average American would like to spend 24 nights remotely travelling. This is a high number and I may provide a lead to folks, who have the capital to buy or renovate hotels for example. It may also mean that those airlines that are grounded have a future.

The other interesting find was that the average American would like to spend 15 hours a week in training or education. It is a pretty high number and I think it reflects the high jobless statistics. On the other hand it might make sense to me to invest in education as I did for myself. I just finished a marketing certificate from Cornell University. This also means that services like Zoom will have a long term market as the question reflected the long term demand.

Similarly the average American wanted to spend about 15 hour a week with entertainment. This is about right now, so I do not think this will be way better than before.

I had two more questions. The average annual budget for home and house spending was about $10k. The budget for hobbies was about $7500. These are about what I would expect.

I decided to deal with education in the short term as a result. There are two reasons. I already have experience teaching something. Moreover, it is a service in excess demand I believe. I can address people, who are unemployed, who can raise their average GDP impact as a result compared to the pre-COVID-19 situation for the benefit of all.