My expertise lies in the realm of display technology, a field I've been passionate about for a long time. My career choice was influenced by the allure of superior TFT displays over CRTs. My journey has seen me delve into video wall technologies, operating systems, and even GPU silicon design at the prestigious XBox division of Microsoft.


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The question often arises: should one pursue passion or chase better opportunities? I believe in a balanced approach, investing time and resources in both, simultaneously. The principle of momentum, fundamental to all learning, suggests that having options, even if some seem less appealing at times, fosters competition, reduces prices, and increases supply. This transforms luxury into a commodity.

This principle is evident in the automotive industry, where electric, gas, and hydrogen-powered vehicles coexist. Similarly, display technologies will continue to evolve alongside artificial intelligence. Cities like Tokyo, adorned with numerous displays, hint at the immense potential. Iconic landmarks like NYC's Times Square and several Asian cities showcase the transformative power of display design.

Artificial intelligence will stimulate both the demand and supply of energy. Display technologies can harness this surplus to illuminate our cities. The trends in technology and operations indicate falling prices and rising volumes. Our patented codec is designed to capitalize on this trend.

As prices fall, monopolies crumble, paving the way for more players and more options, fostering healthy competition. There's still room for further research, particularly in areas like brightness and power usage, which are influenced by new materials and manufacturing methods. Truly intelligent solutions employ a blend of technologies, allowing artificial intelligence to curate the perfect experience.

The potential is vast. It's a well-known fact that darker areas generate wind during sunset or an eclipse. This phenomenon can be harnessed on a small scale to improve air circulation in buildings or in tunnels that use EVs, reducing the need for air conditioning due to the absence of smog. Visionaries might even attempt to influence the climate by altering the color of concrete or asphalt surfaces to generate air flow. Humid, foggy air could potentially increase humidity in neighborhoods.

But we don't need to go to such lengths. Displays can substitute windows with dynamic scenes. Modular display walls offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional wiring and spotlights. They can serve as walls or display stylish furniture that can be swapped with a simple click. The future is luminous. Let's embark on this journey together.