This is our next article about individual civic values.

The last article described what happens, if individuals decide about their personal and business loans that their consumption requires. They may even be the partial loaner of their own salaries to their employers.


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There are multiple advantages of government granted credit lines. Think about marriage and divorce. Any disputes can be shifted from life necessities to important cases of child support. Consumption is granted by the credit lines to each individual of the family. There are no exceptions or dependency.

Such a scheme probably supports childbirth ratios. A formally guaranteed consumption makes birth planning easier for families. This is a good approach for developed countries with slow growth.

Waging wars and conflicts become easier. Individuals get their credit lines until hostilities are over. Minorities, people with disabilities are often affected by such events disproportionately. Credit lines allows everyone their basic independence. This ensures stability to the state, when unity is the most important.

Competition also becomes easier. If credit lines are granted professionals like journalists, scientists, independent private security professionals do not need to fear of retaliation. Their basic livelihood is granted. This allows clear communication and healthy societies. Lawsuits can be handled smoother with less friction and conflicts. Jobs become a passion and not a tool of discipline.

Such schemes oftentimes do not work in countries like US. The country is so vast that the level of consumption and productivity differs a lot in different regions. It is impossible to coordinate among so many communities. This is why universal basic income is impossible at large.

Still, central banks get help, if their decisions do not have disproportionate impact on communities. A granted credit line allows necessities. The credit is still very conservative. It encourages the mindset of requiring a formal contribution. It also gives the power of decision of timing and interest rates to individual citizens.

The Enlightenment started with the development of the social contract compared to the traditional enforcement state. Servicing states will probably deal more with the individuals in the future than communities or societies. The reason is better communication due to the internet, and better understanding due to artificial intelligence.

Problem. A retirement age lump sum payment must be equal and universal.

Solution. The lum sum payment supports payment of loans of basic demand. Only part of the society uses any non-essential products or services. They introduce inequality. A credit money supporting only basic consumption will require a universal and equal lump sum payment at retirement as a result.

This article was revised on Jun 5, 2024.