We demonstrated a simple approach to describe Physics in 2023.

Energy based models are powerful. Energy is easier to explain even in elementary school, than impulse, torque, elliptic paths. It is useful to teachers as a result.

Energy is additive, and it is conserved across independent systems. This means that the energy stored in a spring, planet, or electron can easily be converted to speed, temperature, etc. without the need of complicated integrals or differential equations.


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The basic law of energy is the conservation feature. It can easily be explained to even schoolchildren with Pythagoras together with Fermat and Wiles.

Any right angle rectangle demonstrates independence of two systems. Any rectangle that is flatter or skewed will have an impact on each variable as the other one changes.

We also demonstrated that systems stay together, if the overall vectored sum of energies is the same for each particle. It has to be proportional to its weight. Imagine a squadron of fighter planes flying in formation. Should one get an extra thrust, it detaches from the formation.

We also described Einstein's time as pictures taken together of a family across time. Imagine the drift in time as the pictures in a row. Any physical movement or energy added is a diagonal vector.

The two paragraphs above conclude as this. Two particles or objects stay together, if and only if their overall vectored sum of weighted energy is the same.

This logic above explains the famous equation of ma2+mb2=mc2. The first factor represented by "a" is the large vector, if the system stays together. It is the variable describing how fast time lapses.

The other factor may vary, and it represents the vectored sum of heat, magnetic fields, path of comets, speed of satellites, or just the energy stored in a tank of liquid gas.

Each of these systems are fluctuating energy across any two systems as ma2+mb2=mc2. Any item can be substituted with a composite object of ma2+(mb12+mb22)=mc2.

It is a wonderful explanation to Hamlet's question. We exist because our particles have the same energy with negligible differences.

Such negligible differences can be powerful. Waves in oceans spread just like radio in the ether. Tiny little springs of little energy release some to their neighbors without ever stopping. This is how waves spread like light, sound, or nuclear radiation.

Energy can fluctuate, radiate, or gather as a result creating systems such as gravity. Radiation is picked up by particles of a certain size and shape, and it can drift them together or away. Even better, diagonal radiation of gravitational waves can keep comets and planets on an elliptic curve orbiting around a star.

Some systems can be polar with this simple mathematical logic. Polar systems radiate and absorb in a way, that two particles trap energy radiated by the other one sticking to each other. Atoms are built this way.

These structures are practical standing waves with a wonderful variety of energy states building elements, molecules, proteins, and organisms. Colors are the result of the radiation reflecting the almost countless ways these standing waves are sticking together and reacting with each other.

All this can be described with a mathematical model of simple addition of the energy of each phenomenon. Such thinking can shorten the time we teach children tremendously.

All this is simple proven generative mathematics. Much of it is unproven or semi-proven with empirical, statistical and physical evidence. The reason we wrote it is to show a backdoor, how to simplify and simulate physics and chemistry.

Such models run faster on vector processors in datacenters than addition or more complex mathematics. Addition in energy models is less likely to lose granular residuals over time.

We also demonstrated some practical use cases that are a consequence of the logic.

Satellites are orbiting around the center of the planet. You can expose a satellite to a diagonal force. It can actually be pulled into orbiting like a glory. Each point above the planet is a meeting point of multiple paths at the same altitude. This little force can keep it rotating around. The area can be imagined as a circle on a giant hourglass with the narrow side right at the center of the planet.

The concept is not new. Imagine a token, lasso, or a spinning top. A spaceship may become a circular token or ring.

We also described how time travel, or teleportation is impossible due to the law of energy. This is true unless you observe from outside, if two time points or two different places were connected through a third system adding and removing energy as in a virtual machine.

We also described gravitation as a drifting boat due to stronger oceanic waves.

Magnetism is one of the strongest forces that we know of. It drives our trains and cars. It can also be described as a system fluctuating with charged polar "springs" from antennas.

The vectored sum of the energy of a particle has an overwhelming component, drifting in time. Magnetism may probably be closest to the mc2 total energy since it is so strong compared to other forces.

This dominant component is described as drifting in time. If it was not time, thy would not stay together, thy would not exist. We know that significant reactions like fission or fusion bombs result in losing mass. Some mass disappears from our system getting a break or acceleration in time reducing m due to not being able to stay in c2.

This explanation of Einstein's relativity without any higher degree mathematics is easier to describe in school. Not all particles disappear all the time. We explained orbiting and escape energies. Escape energy detaches a particle from a system forever. It gained enough energy from the entire system to leave. Imagine it as how Voyager-1 and Voyager-2 space probes are leaving our solar system.

Orbiting traps energy around the current system of materials. Phenomena of magnetism and the strength of iron cores in electric engines can easily be described as the orbiting energy of a satellite taking its path trapping the energy of the rocket.

Similarly, colors are emittance of energy waves across different wavelengths. Global warming can be described as a result as nothing else but a change of color from brighter greens to darker colors. You just need to watch the entire spectrum of the surface of concrete, asphalt instead of grass or tree tops. The color spectrum observed from space directly explains net emissions.

This model detached the thinking from the traditional three to four dimensional approach. Dimensions are the result of our childhood learning to live on Earth. Our approach treats systems as different bubbles instead. Some of them are connected to each other. We can explain our physics with dozens or hundreds of bubbles described with their energy levels of electron paths, satellites, heat, colors, etc. interconnected with each other. This model is better suited to computers in datacenters.

This article was revised on March 14, 2024.