Just some thoughts as I may not write so much on social issues anymore rather than focusing on tech. Once risks, interest rates and the cracks in society are understood, there is not much more to research.

I gained huge experience during the past four years working on my business. I learned a few things from the successful people I met. They are the 21st century citizen for me.


Copyright© Schmied Enterprises LLC, 2021-2024. "Mine."

Work is work, life is life. The 21st Century Citizen speaks out on social issues outside, and cash flow issues inside the workplace. Isolation of ideas is almost impossible in the age of the internet.

Success is diverse. The most successful organizations I saw in the past twenty or so years were hiring by random from all around the world. Hiring by random breaks traps of distorted thinking. It also allows a dynamic workforce. Randomized teams hire employees easier from each other. People get use to acclimatization, but just a little.

Social media did not work out for me. If you publish about a serious topic, you have to use paid media channels. Individual responsibility gives credibility in exchange for a smaller viewer base. Social media is great to learn basic marketing on the other hand.

Nations are the past. My family is multilingual, multi-racial and multicultural with passports from the EU, Canada, Japan, and US. I have been working in intercontinental trade (The Jetstream) ever since I graduated. We migrated twice. It opens possibilities.

Recent decisions have proven to me one thing. The 21st century citizen goes to the court system on issues on personal complaints. They go to the ballot on general civic programs. Individual rights are not affected by majority, diplomacy, or election. Individual rights are also conservative, they do not change much anymore.

The social contract is still between the individual and the state. Any defense is there to protect individual rights. Community building has effects on efficiency. If a cause starts affecting individual rights, the cause is lost.

Hierarchies are there to get things done. If you want to finish a project on time, build a hierarchy appointing someone with responsibility. If you want to optimize for long term throughput, let them solve it themselves.

Individual rights mean one thing. The 21st Century Citizen objects wars. I was born premature with 10% of survival chance. Should I be a commander, my squad already died there. I believe that many who die in Israel, Palestine, Russia, or Ukraine should just come here on an individual/family basis, become American, and help me to build a personal cloud or EV charging startup, and build a 2000 square feet mansion here instead. We are losing potential customers and workforce.

Empires are about equality and unity is about risks. Any cracks in society increase risks deterring investment. Any policy, organization lasts, only if it can prove that it allows better decision-making. Each policy spreads until it convinces people about reducing the risks of carrying out projects.

Every single successful company I saw was simple and friendly. Policies have a risk. Only the ones that are not conflicting can stay in the same economy. Policies that set barriers usually fail in an economy focusing on per person product.