I already addressed the basic aspects of computer security. However, the target audience were executives and security professionals.

What can regular corporate staff members do to stay free from computer sabotage?


Copyright© Miklos Szegedi, 2023.

Number One Threat Is Ransomware.

Do not just think about cases that show up on the headlines. Ransomware can affect the work of ordinary employees. Pen drive shims can delay writes, so that your work is not saved properly. Ransomware tamperers can undo your last changes in documents. Keyboard loggers can inject typing errors.

Team staffing can help to mitigate these issues properly. Ransomware can affect team spirit and performance. Make sure at least three team members verify each document that is distributed outside the team. Monitor the health of your systems. Verify results in different networks and cloud providers.

Ultimately, choose a professional security company to train staff.

Number Two Threat Is Denial Of Service

Many companies may suffer from efficiency issues. Software became so complex that even timing differences may affect the overall experience. The profitability of an entire corporation can depend on your systems.

Attacks can leverage software errors or limitations of decades old standards invented for floppy disks. Malware can flood your network slowing down downloads to kilobytes per second. Modern brute force artificial intelligence based attacks can slow down automated business processes, inject errors, or harass individual employees.

Create plans to reset the network and teach ordinary staff to apply it even in cases when pro staff is not around. Keep spare network equipment in storage. Double internet lines to switch, if tasks need immediate responses.

Ultimately, choose a professional security company to train staff.

Number Three Threat Is Data Theft

The confidentiality and integrity of corporate information is a main revenue driver. A data thief can launch opportunistic or targeted attacks against networks and offices using WiFi deployed in cars, or even hacked cell phones. The high value of cryptocurrencies just increases their incentives.

Do not keep cryptocurrencies on corporate machines. Make sure backups are as secure as live data and install proper surveillance equipment. Train staff to catch phishing attacks. Install cameras, wherever physical security requires it. Your network is as safe as your office location.

Ultimately, choose a professional security company to train staff.

The points above are the collection of the experience collected in the past few years. We tried to match the security of enterprise networks. Everybody deserves the focus to showcase their best performance.
